1. Word: Impeachment (अभियोग)
Pronunciation: im-peech-muh nt/ इम्पीच्मन्ट
Part of Speech: Noun
a. the action of calling into question the integrity or validity of something.
b. (US) a charge of misconduct made against the holder of a public office.
Synonyms: indictment, arraignment, accusation, charge, complaint
Antonyms: rise, accession, advancement
Usage in a sentence: The defence lawyers tried to impeach the witness's testimony by forcing him to admit that he had changed his story.
2. Word: De jure (क़ानूनी तौर पर)
Pronunciation: di joo r-ee/ डी जुरी
Part of Speech: Adverb, Adjective
a. according to rightful entitlement or claim; by right. (Adverb)
b. existing or holding a specified position by legal right. (Adjective)
Synonyms: legal, statutory, rightful, legitimate, constitutional
Antonyms: unlawfully, de facto, illegitimately
Usage in a Sentence: In 1896, the Supreme Court upheld de jure racial segregation in Plessy v. Ferguson.
3. Word: De facto (वस्तुत:)
Pronunciation: dee fak-toh/ डिफैक्टो
Part of Speech: Adverb, Adjective
a. in fact, whether by right or not. (Adverb)
b. existing or holding a specified position in fact but not necessarily by legal right. (Adjective)
Synonyms: actually, in fact, in reality, in effect
Antonyms: de jure, non-realistic, allegedly, hypothetically
Usage in a Sentence: With the death of his father, he became the de facto head of the family.
4. Word: Proceedings (कार्यवाही)
Pronunciation: pruh-see-ding/ प्रोसीडिंगज़
Part of Speech: Noun
a. an event or a series of activities involving a set procedure.
b. action taken in a court to settle a dispute.
c. a published report of a set of meetings or a conference.
Synonyms: trial, procedure, action, process, business, activities
Usage in a Sentence: She started the proceedings with a brief welcoming speech.
5. Word: Whistle-blower (मुखबिर)
Pronunciation: hwis-uh l-bloh-er/ विसल ब्लोअर
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: a person who informs on a person or organization regarded as engaging in unlawful or immoral activity.
Synonyms: informer, reporter, debunker, complainant
Antonyms: patriot, loyalist, adherent
Usage in a Sentence: The newspaper reports that another whistleblower could be about to dish the dirt.
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6. Word: Efficacy (प्रभावोत्पादकता)
Pronunciation: ef-i-kuh-see/एफिकैसी
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: the ability to produce a desired or intended result.
Synonyms: effectiveness, potency
Antonyms: failure, feebleness
Use in a Sentence: Fortunately, the medicine had the efficacy to reduce the amount of pain Vanshi was feeling.
7. Word: Tactic (कार्यनीति)
Pronunciation: tak-tik/ टैक्टिक
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end.
Synonyms: plan, strategy, ploy
Antonyms: chance
Usage in a sentence: The players were upset when they failed to pull off their highly strategic tactic.
8. Word: Implication (तात्पर्य)
Pronunciation: im-pli-key-shuhn/ इम्प्लकेशन
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: the conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated.
Synonyms: significance, connotation
Antonyms: exception, frivolity, explicit statement
Usage in a sentence: The implication is that this battery lasts twice as long as other batteries.
9. Word: Partisan (कट्टर)
Pronunciation: pahr-tuh-zuhn/पार्टिज़न
Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective
a. a strong supporter of a party, cause, or person. [Noun]
b. prejudiced in favour of a particular cause. [Adjective]
Synonyms: supporter, biased
Antonyms: opponent, unbiased
Use in a Sentence: You must listen to both points of view and try not to be partisan.
10. Word: Vendetta (प्रतिशोध)
Pronunciation: ven-det-uh/ वेन्डेता
Part of Speech: Noun
a. a blood feud in which the family of a murdered person seeks vengeance on the murderer or the murderer's family.
b. a prolonged bitter quarrel with or campaign against someone.___________________________________________________