One Word Substitution
1. A general pardon for political offenders
1. Acquittal
2. Forgiveness
3. Amnesty
4. Anecdote
Answer: amnesty
2. That which has life
1. Animate
2. Inanimate
3. Aquatic
4. Credulous
Answer: animate
3. That which does not bear the name of writer
1. Obscure
2. Anonymous
3. Posthumous
4. Antedate
Answer: anonymous
4. A medicine to counteract the effect of another medicine
1. Cure
2. Panacea
3. Antidote
4. Anecdote
Answer: antidote
Antidote cures or counteracts effect of poison / or ill effects of another medicine.
5. The life story of a person written by himself
1. Biography
2. Eulogy
3. Auto-biography
4. Novel
Answer: auto-biography
6. A person who is extremely desirous of money
1. Miserly
2. Frugal
3. Avaricious
4. Mercenary
Answer: avaricious
Avaricious means characterized by avarice; greedy; covetous.
7. Government by officials
1. Aristocracy
2. Autocracy
3. Anarchy
4. Bureaucracy
Answer: Bureaucracy
8. A person who is a hundred years old or more
1. Centenarian
2. Septuagenarian
3. Contemporary
4. None of these
Answer: centenarian
9. Persons working in the same institution
1. Peers
2. Mates
3. Friends
4. Colleagues
Answer: colleagues
Peer means equal and friends and mates are companions.
10. Belonging to the same time
1. Periodical
2. Antique
3. Contemporary
4. Advanced
Answer: contemporary
‘Contemporary’ means ‘living or happening in the same period of time’.
11. Recovering from illness
1. Convalescent
2. Credulous
3. Enervated
4. Rejuvenated
Answer: convalescent
Convalescent is used to refer to a person who is recovering after an illness or medical treatment.
12. A citizen of the world
1. Metropolitan
2. Cosmopolite
3. Universal
4. Factional
Answer: cosmopolite
Cosmopolite means a cosmopolitan person; citizen of the world.