1. TURMOIL (NOUN): (शोरगुल): uncertainty
Synonyms: turbulence, ferment
Antonyms: contentment, tranquility
Example Sentence:
There was widespread turmoil in the city.

2. RIFT (NOUN): (दोष): a flaw, fault
Synonyms: breach, fissure
Antonyms: closure, agreement
Example Sentence:
It is a great misfortune that an internal rift has moved inexorably towards a full-blown crisis.

3. INEXORABLY (ADVERB): (क्रूरता या कठोरता से): in a way that is impossible to stop or prevent
Synonyms: ferociously, atrociously
Antonyms: gently, humanely
Example Sentence:
The public is enraged by the inexorable rise in petroleum prices.

4. DISSENSION (NOUN): (मतभेद): disagreement that leads to discord
Synonyms: controversy, friction
Antonyms: harmony, conformity
Example Sentence:
The SC has exposed an unprecedented level of dissension.

5. FERMENT (VERB): (उत्तेजित करना): agitation and excitement among a group of people
Synonyms: frenzy, storm
Antonyms: calm, peace
Example Sentence:
The highest court was in a state of ferment.

6. SUPERVENE (VERB): (पीछे आना) follow
 Synonyms: chase, pursue
Antonyms: precede, retreat
 Example Sentence:
 Firstly he did the honours then everybody supervened.

7. REPROACH (NOUN): (तिरस्कार) disgrace
  Synonyms: blame, censure
  Antonyms: compliment, praise
  Example Sentence:
Girish gave her a look of reproach.

8. LAURELS (NOUN): (ख्याति)acclaim
 Synonyms: accolade, praise
 Antonyms: blame, disapproval
 Example Sentence:
A soldier won his laurels in the battle field.

9. ABRADE (VERB): (कुरेदना)scrape
Synonyms: chafe, grate
Antonyms make happy, please
Example Sentence:
The wool blanket abraded my legs and gave me a rash.

 10. DEIFY (VERB): (देवता-सदृश पूजा करना) idealize
Synonyms: glorify, idolize
Antonyms :criticize, degrade
Example Sentence:
It is a mistake to deify celebrities let your parents be your living God.
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